
Increase your revenue by 15-25% on autopilot

Partner up with us to unlock growth and elevate your business to unseen heights with effective email marketing automations.

Completed within 8 days after you gave us full access.

Service Points Email Package

Available in every language worldwide
Our most comprehensive package, for a special price:
Branded sending domain + DMARC
Complete account setup
Lead generation popup
Premium template
Klaviyo emailmarketing automations:
3 Welcome Series Emails
4 Abandoned Checkout Emails
2 Browse Abandonment Emails
2 Customer Winback Emails
2 Post Purchase upsell Emails
3 Flash sale sequence Emails
Rush, Track123 or Parcel Panel flow setup:
Pre-transit Email setup
In Transit Email setup
Out for delivery Email setup
Delivered confirmation + upsell setup
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Screenshot of Trustpilot review
Screenshot of Trustpilot review
Screenshot of Trustpilot review
Screenshot of Trustpilot review
Screenshot of Trustpilot review
Screenshot of Trustpilot review
Screenshot of Trustpilot review
Screenshot of Trustpilot review
A Screenshot of Email Marketing results in a MacBook mockup.
A Screenshot of Email Marketing results in a MacBook mockup.
A Screenshot of Email Marketing results in a MacBook mockup.
A Screenshot of Email Marketing results in a MacBook mockup.

We have one goal in mind...
increase your revenue

Real results from real businesses. We're dedicated to providing automations that drive growth.

Decrease your customer service load, while also adding 15 - 25% to your top line revenue.

All without the lift of a finger, done within 8 days or less after you gave us full access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Need help?
We've got you covered

How quickly can I expect results after I made my payment?

We deliver your flows within 8 days after you gave us full access. After completion we set the flows online, so you can start gathering your first results.

How does the onboarding process work, and how long does it take before we can get started?

Upon receiving your payment, a page containing the onboarding link automatically open. Simply fill out the form and grant us access to your accounts.

After you gave us full access you can expect to receive your flows in your Klaviyo account within 8 days or less.

Is this a one time payment?

The service is a one-time payment, ensuring you receive all the benefits and features without recurring charges.

This allows you to invest in your business growth with a single, straightforward payment, adding 15 - 25% to your revenue.

Do you also offer campaigns?

Yes, we also offer customized email marketing campaigns tailored to your business needs.

Our team can design and implement targeted campaigns to help you engage with your audience, boost conversions, and achieve your marketing goals.

Feel free to shoot us a message:


What are the expected results?

When partnering with us for your email marketing automations, you can anticipate a range of benefits tailored to the specific package you select.

Our clients typically experience a revenue increase of 15 to 25%, which directly enhances your bottom line. Additionally, you can expect:

- Reduced Customer Service Load

- Enhanced customer journey

- Increased Revenue on autopilot (15-25%)

- Care-free Email automation management

- Improved branding

- Rapid scalability

What are the benefits of the Service Points  Email Package?

The Service Points Email package offers exclusive collaboration benefits, including a discounted price and premium support with response times under 24 hours.

Additionally, you’ll receive DNS and DMARC setup for improved email deliverability.

With these benefits, this package is designed to drive significant growth specifically made for the clients from Service Points in collaboration with Ecomflows.

Ready to make the change?
Get started today!